The new Modern Warfare Gunfight 2v2 multiplayer mode 

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The new Modern Warfare Gunfight 2v2 multiplayer mode may well be the greatest test of skill for a COD player
By Leon Hurley a day ago News 

Tiny maps and two-player teams with the same guns? Gunfight is stripping COD back to its rawest competitive edge
 Modern Warfare Gunfight 2v2 multiplayer mode
Every year the latest Call of Duty tries to add something new to multiplayer, and this time the Modern Warfare Gunfight mode is the result. It’s a fast 2v2 deathmatch in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare that can play out in seconds, and captures some of the spirit of old split-screen modes from waaaay back when. 

The set up sees you and another player, fighting another two-man team in a map not much bigger than a tennis court. Both teams spawn at either end, with matching but randomly chosen weapons and then it’s a fast, ruthless hunt to eliminate the other side. And when I say fast I mean fast. The confined areas throws both teams into conflict almost immediately and the maps I’ve played so far are all more or less laned rectangles that creates a corner peaking game of cat and mouse to get the first shot off, with positioning and lane choice a real tactical play. 


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